New rules for aircraft operation and maintenance come into force – The Brazilian Regulation for Civil Aviation n. 91 (RBAC n. 91) replaces the Brazilian Requirements for Aeronautical Certification n. 91 (RBHA n. 91) and applies to general aviation aircraft

From June 1, 2020, new rules set the requirements for operation and maintenance of aircraft. They were laid down by RBAC n. 91, of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), which sets or changes rules on equipment installation on aircraft, required inspection and maintenance procedures, operational credit provisions based on aircraft’s technology, and the update of mandatory documents aboard, such as the passenger list. It does not set rules on air traffic control, as it became an exclusive competence of the Brazilian Air Force.

The regulation applies to all Brazilian civil aircraft, except for captive balloons, aircraft regulated by RBAC n. 103, and uncrewed aircraft. The new rules are part of ANAC’s Regulatory Agenda, and it is an initiative to reformulate civil aviation regulations to harmonize national requirements with the best international practices, mainly the standards published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).