The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) submitted to public consultation a draft resolution that provides the criteria for distributors to establish distributed generation contracts with authorized generators linked to their system, as a means to lower costs and improve provision quality.

The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) launched Public Consultation n. 40/2021 and Public Audience n. 20/2021 in order to collect public contributions on a draft resolution that provides the criteria required of distributors to establish, through public calls, distributed generation contracts, as defined by Decree n. 5.163/2004. ANEEL intends to provide the regulatory conditions that ensure the lowering of costs for distributors and the protection of consumers.

The draft resolution amends ANEEL Normative Resolution n. 167/2005, and provides criteria for distributors to establish distributed generation contracts with authorized independent generators, such as microgrids, linked to their system, as a means to lower costs and improve energy provision, as non-wires alternatives to their supply of electrical energy. According to the draft, after distributors conclude a public call process, they must submit a technical report to ANEEL, demonstrating that the selected option represents the lowest total cost and that the selected option improves service quality. Further details are available in the draft and technical note.

Public contributions can be submitted to this e-mail address, using this template form, until August 31. A public hearing will be held on August 25, whose instructions for participation can be found at ANEEL’s website. A technical note and the draft resolution (in the technical note) can be accessed at ANEEL’s website.