The Ministry of Infrastructure published the 2035 National Logistics Plan (PNL, in the Portuguese acronym), a policy instrument for improving the Brazilian transportation network. The study projects 10 scenarios that evaluate matrix composition, average time and costs, greenhouse gas emissions, and transportation safety for 2035.
The Ministry of Infrastructure published the 2035 National Logistics Plan (PNL, in the Portuguese acronym) – available here; executive summary available here –, an official study on the Brazilian transportation network designed as a policy instrument for identifying policy requirements and opportunities for the improvement of the network until 2035. The PNL comprises the Ministry of Infrastructure’s Integrated Transportation Planning (Ordinance n.º 123/2020).
The 2035 PNL projects 10 scenarios for the 2035 Brazilian transportation matrix, based on different levels of infrastructure investments, institutional engagement, and regulatory improvement (e.g., the Cabotage Navigation Program). The projected scenarios evaluate changes in the composition of the transportation matrix (per transport mode), greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent), average transportation time and costs, and transportation safety. The study also assesses which locations require more policies, according to each indicator.
According to the study’s estimates for the 2017 Brazilian freight transportation matrix, highways accounted for about 66% of the Brazilian transportation network in tonnage (tonnage per useful kilometer) and about 83% in value (value per useful kilometer). Railways, cabotage navigation, and interior navigation, on the other hand, respectively accounted for 17.7%, 9.2%, and 5.6% of the freight transportation network in tonnage, and 4.2%, 5.8%, and 5.5% in value. Goods generally transported by container (e.g., food preparations, machinery and equipment, furniture) relied the most on highway transportation (90%, tonnage).
Among the projected scenarios, for example, scenarios 1 and 9 describe improvements to the matrix without major regulatory modifications and technological innovation. According to the study, they project a decrease in the reliance on highway transportation, from around 66% in participation in 2017 (tonnage) to participation ranging between 55% and 41% in 2035 (tonnage), and an increase in the participation of railways that range between 31% to 43% of the freight transportation network in 2035 (tonnage). Those scenarios also project the participation of cabotage navigation in the matrix ranging from 8.8% to 9.6% in 2035 (tonnage), and the participation of interior navigation of 4.5% in 2035 (tonnage) for both scenarios.
As provided in Ordinance n.º 123/2020, sector-specific studies (by transportation mode) will be developed based on the 2035 PNL.