Normative Resolution n. 904/2020 from the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) updated the criteria on different commercialization mechanisms applicable to electric energy distributors, consolidating rules under a single resolution. New modules for the rules of commercialization are still required.

Normative Resolution n. 904/2020 from the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) updated the criteria on different commercialization mechanisms applicable to electric energy distributors, consolidating rules under a single resolution. New modules for the rules of commercialization are still required.

Normative Resolution n. 904/2020 from the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) updated regulatory criteria for three mechanisms:

  • The Surplus and Deficit Compensation Mechanism (MCSD, in the Portuguese acronym) for new generation operations (“MCSD Energia Nova” – or MCSDEN – in Portuguese);
  • The Surplus Selling Mechanism (MVE, in the Portuguese acronym); and
  • Bilateral Agreements – Electric Power Trade contracts in the Regulated Environment (CCEAR, in the Portuguese acronym).

Those commercialization mechanisms were consolidated in the new resolution, which came into force on January 1st, 2021. Although it revoked previous resolutions on the subject, new modules for rules of commercialization by the National Energy Trade Chamber (CCEE) are still required for full implementation, having ANNEL set March 03, 2021, as the deadline for CCEE to submit the new modules. Therefore, the dispositions valid last December are currently still valid.

ANEEL Dispatch n. 3.448/2020 also altered rules on MVE for 2021, amplifying the distributors’ electric energy declaration limit from 15% to 30%.

Those measures result from Public Consultation n. 37/2020’s first phase, which ended in July 2020. ANEEL launched its second phase, seeking to collect public contributions for further improving MCSDEN, including existing and new modalities. Contributions can be submitted until January 29 to this e-mail address using this template. More information is available at the public consultation’s website (in Portuguese).