The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) enacted a new framework for the rules of transmission, approving three of its modules and submitting two others to public consultation. The framework aims at consolidating the regulatory framework on electric energy transmission.

Normative Resolution n. 905/2020 from the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) enacted the consolidated framework for the Rules of Electrical Energy Transmission Services – or rules of transmission. The consolidation complies with ANEEL 2020-2021 Regulatory Agenda, establishing a framework comprised of six modules:
- Module 1: Glossary;
- Module 2: Installation Classification;
- Module 3: Installations and Equipment;
- Module 4: Provision of Services;
- Module 5: System Access;
- Module 6: Coordination and Control of Operation.
Modules 1 and 3 were approved by NR n. 905/2020, as Annex I and Annex II respectively (available in Portuguese). ANEEL Normative Resolution n. 906/2020 approved Module 4 and complemented Module 1.
The second phase of Public Consultation n. 13/2020 was launched in order to collect public contributions on the consolidation and improvement related to Modules 2 and 5. Contributions can be submitted to this e-mail address until February 1. A Technical Note, a Regulatory Impact Analysis (AIR, in the Portuguese acronym) and instructions for participation are available at the public consultation’s website (in Portuguese).