The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) established regulatory conditions for the inclusion of renewable energy sources to isolated generation systems in operation, which are located in the Northern region of Brazil.
The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) enacted Normative Resolution n.º 961/2021, enabling the inclusion of renewable energy sources to isolated generation systems in operation, which operate mostly on diesel fuel and are located in the Northern region of Brazil. More specifically, the resolution provided the inclusion of generation units from renewable sources, storage systems, or different fuels to post-installation Electrical Energy Commercialization in Isolated Systems Contracts (CCESI, in the Portuguese acronym) (article 1).
The inclusion of renewable generation units in CCESI with more than five years of operation remaining, and whose conditions don’t already include renewable sources, are provided a calculation to determine the reduction in reference prices (since the rise in supply) (article 3). ANEEL deemed more likely that inclusion to come from a photovoltaic source, given the location of the isolated systems.
The new resolution is the result of Public Consultation n.º 67/2020, reported in the 18th edition of the Regulatory Report.