The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) launched a Public Consultation to improve the regulatory framework on energy storage systems. The inclusion of provisions on storage systems linked to the Brazilian electrical grid is a necessary step to energy transition and the promotion of renewable sources.

The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) launched a Public Consultation to improve the regulatory framework on energy storage systems. The inclusion of provisions on storage systems linked to the Brazilian electrical grid is a necessary step to energy transition and the promotion of renewable sources.

Public Consultation n. 11/2020 of the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) aims at collecting opinions and regulatory propositions to adapt the current electrical energy regulatory framework with required provisions on energy storage systems.

The adaptation of the regulatory framework in that regard is part of ANEEL’s 2020-2021 Regulatory Agenda. The public consultation will be followed by regulatory proposals duly justified by Regulatory Impact Analyses (RIAs/AIRs).

A technical note on the subject and more information on the public consultation can be found here (in Portuguese). Contributions can be sent to this e-mail address until December 22.