The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) launched the second phase of the public consultation on a new regulatory framework for hybrid or associated power plants. A new draft resolution seeks to remove obstacles to the establishment of such power plants.
The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) launched the second phase of Public Consultation n.º 61/2020 (official notice) on a new regulatory framework for hybrid or associated power plants (generator units), presenting a new draft normative resolution and a revised regulatory impact analysis. The first phase was concluded in December 2020 (see the 17th edition of the Regulatory Report), which received 113 contributions to the first draft, half of which were incorporated or partially incorporated in the new draft resolution (see the technical note).
ANEEL’s regulatory goals in providing a new framework for hybrid or associated power plants concern the removal of obstacles for the implementation and administrative treatment of such power plants, seeking to:
- Facilitate the granting of power plants with more than one generation source;
- Establish contracting schemes for hybrid or associated power plants;
- Enable the commercialization of energy generated by hybrid or associated power plants; and
- Provide alternatives to the definition on physical grant applicable to power plants with more than one generation source.
The new draft normative resolution provides amendments to six normative resolutions that regulate the electric energy sector, in order to establish the regulatory treatment of hybrid power plants (CGH, in the Portuguese acronym) and associated power plants. It presents the parameters for authorizing their establishment and operation, including rules on tariff setting and the use of the transmission system.
Contributions can be submitted to this e-mail address until September 16. The new draft normative resolution, the revised regulatory impact analysis, technical note, instructions for participation, and more information can be found at ANEEL’s website.