The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) published its Regulatory Agenda for the 2022-2023 period, covering 108 regulatory initiatives to be carried out in the next two years. ANEEL also expects that 59 normative resolutions will be enacted in 2022.

Ordinance n.º 6.705/2021 from the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) approved ANEEL’s Regulatory Agenda for the 2022-2023 biennium, comprising the regulatory initiatives to be conducted by the agency in the next two years (full details are available here). The new agenda lists 108 initiatives, 17 of which are new topics – the others are continuations of the 2021-2022 Regulatory Agenda.

Among the 108 initiatives, 35 are categorized as priority status, 58 as ordinary, and 15 as indicative (tentative). Those initiatives are also categorized by theme:

  • Transmission: 26 initiatives
  • Generation: 24 initiatives
  • Commercialization & Market: 17 initiatives
  • Economic-financial and accounting regulation: 12 initiatives
  • Distribution: 9 initiatives
  • Transversal themes: 9 initiatives
  • Tariffs: 6 initiatives
  • Research and Development & Energy Efficiency: 4 initiatives
  • ANEEL’s structure: 1 initiative

Furthermore, according to ANEEL, 40 regulatory impact analyses are expected for 2022, as well as 78 public consultation processes. ANNEL also expects that 59 normative resolutions will be delivered in 2022.