The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) established a remote format for its health inspection procedures, applicable to imported products subject to health control. Health authorities may choose the remote format if conditions are met.

The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), through RDC Resolution n.º 597/2022, established a remote health inspection process for imported products subject to health control. As provided in the first article of the resolution, ANVISA health authorities may choose to carry out their inspection duties, concerning products located at customs facilities and imported in any given manner, through the new remote format.

Articles 2 and 3 of the resolution provided the technical requirements of the remote health inspection. According to ANVISA, once an imported product is selected for on-site health inspection, and it is verified that the customs facility where the product is located has the necessary conditions for remote inspection, the health authority may choose the remote format.

As provided in article 5 of the resolution, instructions for importers will be provided through the Single Foreign Trade Portal (SISCOMEX) once their products are selected for remote health inspection. Importers or their representatives must still be present on-site for the remote health inspection.

Additionally, according to ANVISA, the new remote format is intended to streamline health inspection procedures, reducing the time, steps, and personnel allocated to each import health inspection procedure. The new format was tested in an ANVISA pilot project in 2021, through the use of different remote platforms.