The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) issued new labelling requirements for prepackaged food and beverages, including provisions on front-of-pack labelling, nutrition facts indication and nutrition allegations. The requirements come into force on October 8, 2022.

The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) issued RDC Resolution n. 429/2020 and Normative Instruction n. 75/2020 on nutrition labelling requirements for prepackaged food and beverages, including ingredients, food additives and food components that support industrial processing or food services. The provisions seek to improve clarity and consumer comprehension.
The new regulatory provisions strengthen the nutrition indication of food and beverages with high quantities of sodium, fat or sugars, establishing front-of-pack labelling requirements, new conditions for the nutrition facts table and new rules on nutrition allegation, the latter aimed at avoiding contradictions within the label.
Technical details are available in Normative Instruction n. 75/2020 and examples of the requirements are available in this ANVISA presentation (in Portuguese), which were the result of two public consultations concluded in 2019.
The resolution come into force on October 8, 2022. Companies whose products are already commercialized by that entry into force date will have a further 12-month adaptation period. Small and microenterprises have 24 months to comply and companies producing non-alcoholic beverages with returnable bottles are included in a 36-month adaptation period.
Further information can be found in a FAQ prepared by ANVISA, available here (in Portuguese).