The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) launched a guided public consultation, aimed at collecting public contributions to a new Regulatory Agenda for the 2021-2023 period. Under a new format, the consultation proposes 106 key regulatory projects, classified in 15 macro-themes, to compose ANVISA’s regulatory prioritization for the next three years.

The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) launched a guided public consultation in order to collect public contributions on the development of a new Regulatory Agenda for the 2021-2023 period. The new Agenda will not be constituted of strategic themes, but of key regulatory projects to be addressed in ANVISA’s regulatory process during the next three years.

After an internal consultation, ANVISA presented 106 key regulatory project proposals, organized in 15 macro-themes. Given the new format, ANVISA presented a participation guide (in Portuguese). The list of regulatory project proposals are available in Business Intelligence format, available here, or in this Excel table (both in Portuguese).

The private sector can submit opinions on the presented proposals, as well as suggestions of new regulatory projects that comply with the inclusion criteria, through this electronic form, until January 22, 2021.

An executive group will be created to monitor the evolution of the Regulatory Agenda, while the updating mechanism will assume an annual format, having terminated the extraordinary provision. New Performance Indicators will support that monitoring.