The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) established the national specifications of green diesel biofuel, aimed at introducing its use and domestic production. In line with the National Policy on Biofuels (RenovaBio), it seeks to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Resolution n. 842/2021 from the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) established the national product specifications of green diesel, a biofuel produced with renewable resources such as biomass, ethanol, sugarcane, and vegetable oils. The new specifications seek to introduce the use and domestic production of green diesel, hence, contributing to lower greenhouse gas emissions and the dependency on fossil fuels.

The resolution defines the renewable resources eligible for producing green diesel fuel in article 2, while quality control provisions are presented in articles 4 to 7. Commercialization and product assessment rules are provided in articles 8 to 13. According to ANP, the new green diesel specifications are in line with the National Policy on Biofuels (RenovaBio), provided by Law n. 13.576/2017.

The resolution is the result of ANP Public Consultation n. 3/2020. More information is available here.