The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) submitted to public consultation, for a period of 45 days, a draft resolution that unifies the regulatory framework on the production of petroleum and natural gas derivatives. Its goal is to simplify procedures as a means of reducing regulatory barriers to investment.

The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) submitted to public consultation, for a period of 45 days, a draft resolution that unifies the regulatory framework on the production of petroleum and natural gas derivatives. Its goal is to simplify procedures as a means of reducing regulatory barriers to investment.

Public Consultation and Audience n. 16/2020 of the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) aims at collecting public contributions to a new regulation on production activities regarding oil and natural gas products (derivatives). The goal of the new regulation is to lower barriers to investment, by reducing regulatory-related costs, while maintaining operational best practices.

Production activities to be regulated are:

  • Oil refining;
  • Natural gas processing;
  • Gasoline and Diesel formulation; and
  • Fuel production in Petrochemical centers.

According to the draft, an operation authorization under its terms will be required of all dully registered companies that take part in those activities, in order to proceed with production facilities installations. The new regulation will condense 11 other regulations on those activities.

The public hearing is scheduled to December 15.

Contributions can be submitted until November 19 to this e-mail address via a form, named “Formulário de Comentários e Sugestões” available at ANP’s website, linked here (in Portuguese). Another form, named “Formulário de Inscrição”, must be submitted in order to take part in the public hearing. Technical notes and the draft resolution can also be found (in Portuguese).