The Federal Government enacted the Modernization Policy on Federal Highway Transport Infrastructure, namely “inov@BR”, applicable to federal highways under concessionary and government administration. The policy is designed to improve the infrastructure quality, and therefore, Brazilian market competitiveness.

The Federal Government, through Decree n. 10.648/2021, enacted the Modernization Policy on Federal Highway Transport Infrastructure, namely “inov@BR”, applicable to federal highways administered by concessionaries and by the Federal Government. The policy is designed to improve the quality of federal highway infrastructure, and hence, to improve Brazilian market competitiveness.

Policy goals (article 3) include the modernization of the main federal highways, by incorporating infrastructure technology solutions, and the improvement of regulatory procedures and mechanisms. Its initiatives are organized in three axes (article 5): highway security, traffic flow, and technology solutions. The decree also established the criteria for policy success, described in articles 7 and 8.

The modernization policy is comprised of 12 guidelines for government-administered federal highways (article 11) and 12 guidelines for federal highways under concessionary administration (article 12). They include the prioritization of investment initiatives that relate to the policy’s axes. According to the Ministry of Infrastructure, the inov@BR modernization policy will promote investments on highway signalization, monitoring, and connectivity, as well as initiatives on highway free flow (toll tags).

The Ministry of Infrastructure will coordinate the policy and provide further regulatory provisions. The ministry must also present yearly results on policy implementation.