The Federal Government launched the National Public Procurement Portal (PNCP, in the Portuguese acronym), designed as a single window of public information on government procurement, carried out under the New Bidding Law (Law n.º 14.133/2021). Contracting public entities must disclose public notices, price registers, and contracts at the PNPC.

The Federal Government launched the National Public Procurement Portal (PNCP, in the Portuguese acronym), established by Law n.º 14.133/2021 (New Bidding Law), and designed to unify the public sources of information on government procurement to a single window, hence facilitating access to public notices, price registers, and contracts. Contracting public entities, executing government procurement under the New Bidding Law, must disclose the required information at the new portal.

The new portal was established by articles 174 to 176 of the New Bidding Law, which, as reported in the 23rd edition of the Regulatory Report, seeks to modernize the rules for public bidding in Brazil, consolidating the provisions from other government procurement acts. Those acts will be revoked in 2023, after the transition period established in the new law.

Regarding the new portal, the law provided that all public notices and their annexes, price register, and final contracts established through public procurement processes, including those exempted from a public bid, must be published at the PNCP as open data information. Contracting public entities that use public or private procurement systems, such as the “Comprasnet” system, must also publish the required information at PNCP.

Public entities from all levels of government (federal, state, and municipal) carrying out government procurement processes under the New Bidding Law must conduct the required publication at the PNCP, as a means to guarantee the validity of such processes. The municipalities provided in article 176 have a six-year transition period to adhere to the new portal.

The PNCP will be managed and improved by the Management Committee of the Public Procurement National Network, instituted by Decree n.º 10.764/2021, and coordinated by the Ministry of Economy. More information is available at the Federal Government’s Website. The portal was launched at an event from the Ministry of Economy, whose recording is available here.