The Federal Revenue Service revoked 122 normative instructions related to foreign trade
The Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB, in its Portuguese acronym) revoked 122 normative instructions that dealt with matters related to foreign trade, published between 1970 and 2019. The measure is part of the Consolidation project, which seeks to adjust the RFB regulatory stock by reducing, consolidating, and modernizing rules.
Normative Instruction N. 1.946/2020 lists the revoked normative instructions. In March 2020, SRF had already revoked 126 normative instructions related to tax legislation, by means of Normative Instruction N. 1.928/2020.
The RFB Consolidation Project is part of a larger initiative designed by the Federal Government, determining that the organs of the Executive Branch carry out a review on their norms, set through Decree n. 10.139/2019, which came into force last February.