The Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) issued two resolutions updating the List of auto-parts not produced domestically, including 331 auto-parts of 64 NCM (Mercosur Common Nomenclature) and excluding 7 products. Auto-parts covered by the list are treated as the “Ex-tariff” regime, being subject to a reduced 2% import tariff.

GECEX Resolution n. 108/2020 and GECEX Resolution n. 109/2020 issued by the Executive Management Committee (GECEX) at the Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) updated the List of auto-parts not domestically produced. The resolutions included 331 auto-parts of 64 NCM (Mercosur Common Nomenclature) codes and excluded 7 (4 NCM codes). Auto-parts covered by the list are treated as the “Ex-tariff” regime, being subject to a reduced 2% import tariff.