The Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) issued two resolutions with regard to the List of auto-parts not domestically produced, including 388 auto-parts and excluding 12, and one resolution concerning the List of Exceptions to the Mercosur Common External Tariff (LECET/LETEC), updating tariff rates and nomenclature descriptions for 28 automotive products.

GECEX Resolution n. 94/2020 and GECEX Resolution n. 95/2020 issued by the Executive Management Committee (GECEX) at the Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX), updated the List of auto-parts not domestically produced. The list is composed of 388 auto-parts of different NCM (Mercosur Common Nomenclature) codes and excluded 12. Auto-parts covered by the list are treated as the Ex-tariff regime, being subject to a reduced 2% import tariff.

GECEX Resolution n. 92/2020 issued by GECEX/CAMEX updated the description of four NCM codes covering 28 automotive products. LETEC is a Mercosur system of exceptions to the Mercosur Common External Tariff (TEC, in the Portuguese acronym) that allows 100 NCM codes per member to be exempted from the TEC. Alterations to the list are limited to 20 NCM codes per semester.