The Ministry of Economy enacted an import tariff reduction for wind power generation sets (NCM 8502.31.00), in line with the ministry’s promotion of renewable energy sources in electricity generation.

The Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) at the Ministry of Economy, through GECEX Resolution n.º 295/2022, enacted one import tariff exemption related to wind power generation, in line with the promotion of renewable energy sources carried out by CAMEX on December 2021, which covered solar energy and electric storage batteries (reported in the 30th edition of the Regulatory Report).

The new resolution included “Ex 001” of Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM) code 8502.31.00 (wind power generation sets above 3.300 kVA in power) to the list of exceptions to the Mercosur Common External Tariff (TEC, in the Portuguese acronym), Annex “II” of CAMEX Resolution n.º 125/2016 (updated version available on CAMEX’s website). The tariff rate of 12.6% for that tariff line is exempted for products that match the description of Ex 001.

According to the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL)’s Generation Information System, as of January 2022, wind power generation (EOL) surpassed 21 GW in operational capacity, corresponding to around 11.7% of the Brazilian Electricity Matrix.