The Ministry of Economy enacted temporary exemptions and 10%-reductions on import duties applied to most goods, as a means to counter pandemic-related inflation. Permanent reductions for capital goods (BK) and computer and telecommunication goods (BIT) are included.

The Ministry of Economy enacted two resolutions that reduced the import duties of several goods, as a means to counter pandemic-related inflation and boost the competitiveness of Brazilian companies, covering permanent tariff alterations for capital goods (BK) and computer and telecommunication goods (BIT), and temporary modifications to the majority of regular goods.

The tariff lines (Mercosur Common Nomenclature Codes – NCM, in the Portuguese acronym) covered in both resolutions that were previously subject to 2% import tariff rates are now exempt, while those tariff lines whose import tariff rates previously ranged from 4 to 20% now range from 3.6% to 18% (10% import duty reduction). The resolutions are:

  • GECEX Resolution n.º 266/2021 from the Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) at the Ministry of Economy. It included 29 NCM codes to the list of permanent alterations to BK and BIT products (GECEX Resolution n.º 173/2021), reported in the 22nd edition of the Regulatory Report.
  • GECEX Resolution n.º 269/2021 from CAMEX/Ministry of Economy (plus one revision). It provided temporary pandemic-related reductions to 87% of the approximate 13,000 NCM Codes, according to the Ministry of Economy. It is valid until December 31, 2022.

In terms of trade, the goods listed in GECEX Resolution n.º 269/2021 (temporary reductions), which include the permanent reductions from GECEX Resolution n.º 173/2021, account for about 78% of the 2020 imports (in value) that were not already subject to 0% tariff rates. More than 90% of food and beverage products and chemical products previously subject to import tariffs are covered in the temporary reductions. The least covered items are road vehicles, textile products, footwear, and dairy products. The BK and BIT products covered in GECEX Resolution n.º 173/2021 separately account for about 15% of imports not already exempt in 2020.