The Ministry of Economy instituted the Collaborative Network to Increase the Productivity and Competitiveness of the Brazilian Automotive Sector, namely “Made in Brasil Integrado”. The initiative is designed to promote the participation of the Brazilian automotive industry in local and global value chains.

Ordinance n.º 9.035/2021 from the Special Secretariat for Productivity and Competitiveness (SEPEC) at the Ministry of Economy instituted the Collaborative Network to Increase the Productivity and Competitiveness of the Brazilian Automotive Sector, namely “Made in Brasil Integrado”, an initiative of business associations from the automotive industry and sectors that produce automotive inputs listed in article 2. The initiative is designed to improve the participation of the Brazilian automotive industry in local and global value chains.

As provided in the first article of the ordinance, the promotion of the Brazilian automotive industry will be carried out by mapping sector needs and opportunities in the supply of auto parts and components, removing barriers to the domestic production of auto parts and components, defining cross-sector strategies to improve the competitiveness of the automotive supply chain, and proposing strategies to avoid input shortages in the automotive market.

The initiative is coordinated by the Ministry of Economy, while business associations coordinate specific working groups. The executive committee, constituted by the business associations listed in article 2, will meet regularly every month (article 5). According to the ministry, six working groups were established:

  • GT1: Metal components;
  • GT2: Electronic components;
  • GT3: Mechanic parts;
  • GT4: Plastic components;
  • GT5: Automatic transmission parts; and
  • GT6: Semiconductors.

Furthermore, according to the Ministry of Economy, the creation of two other working groups is considered, covering lithium batteries and the hydrogen value chain.