The Ministry of Economy issued Normative Instruction n. 73/2020, formalizing new government procurement rules for market research. Such rules mean to increase efficiency and transparency in price evidence for public acquisitions by the federal government and by states and municipalities that execute federal resources.

The Normative Instruction stipulated requirements to the market research process in government procurement for 192 Public Federal Administration bodies. Such requirements involve the elaboration of market research, conditions for unenforceability of public biddings, and service contracts of exclusive labor dedication.
It also directed the Ministry of Economy to publicize the digital platform entitled “Painel de Preços” (“Price Panel”, in Portuguese), in which the amounts of public acquisitions, registered in the Government Procurement System named “Comprasnet”, can be located. The platform can be accessed here (in Portuguese).
The betterment of transparency mechanisms improves the social control of public acquisitions and expands the access of information for decision-making processes.