The Ministry of Economy launched a public consultation intended to revise and consolidate the regulatory framework on import licensing. The proposal seeks to incorporate recent legal and regulatory developments and improve transparency and predictability.
The Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX) at the Ministry of Economy, through Circular n.º 1/2022, launched a public consultation intended to collect public contributions on a proposal to consolidate and revise the regulatory framework on import licensing. The proposal is designed to streamline the administrative processes related to import licenses, by improving transparency and predictability and by incorporating new regulatory developments.
The framework revision and consolidation in the proposal are twofold. First, it intends to incorporate the provisions of the Business Environment Law (Law n.º 14.195/2021) regarding the Single Foreign Trade Portal (SISCOMEX), which determined that all import licensing procedures must be carried out through SISCOMEX (see more in the 27th edition of the Regulatory Report). Chapter “I” of the draft proposal consolidates the framework in line with that legal provision, covering automatic and non-automatic import licenses required by any specific regulation, linked to a single import declaration (“Duimp”) or a standard import declaration (“DI”), and any authorized alterations.
Second, chapter “II” of the proposal seeks to consolidate the import licensing processes carried out by SECEX, ruled by SECEX Ordinance n.º 23/2011 (foreign trade operations), while revising import license conditions in light of recent regulatory developments. The revision covered by the proposal includes the import licensing process for importing used goods involved in the transfer of production lines, production cells, or industrial facilities from other countries to Brazil (see more in the 30th edition of the Regulatory Report), and for importing re-manufactured goods or used goods destined for remanufacturing (see more in the 26th edition of the Regulatory Report).
Public contributions to this public consultation (n.º 01/2022 on the SISCOMEX portal), can be submitted to this e-mail address, following the rules provided on the aforementioned portal, until March 14. The draft proposal and technical notes are also available on the SISCOMEX portal.