The Ministry of Economy launched the “Balcão Único” initiative seeking to simplify the opening of businesses. It comprises a single digital form for company registrations that combine requirements from the three levels of government. It is initially limited to the Commerce Registries in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

The Ministry of Economy introduced a simplifying initiative for opening businesses, namely “Balcão Único”. The initiative seeks to establish a unified process for opening businesses across all state Commerce Registries, and for all company types, in which only a single digital form is required for all company registering steps, combining federal, state and municipal requirements.

According to the Ministry of Economy, the initiative is currently limited to the Commerce Registry of the state of São Paulo – for Limited-Liability Companies (LTDA), Limited Liability Sole Proprietorship (EIRELI) and Individual Entrepreneur (EI, in the Portuguese acronym) in the city of São Paulo – and implementation is underway within the Commerce Registry of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Federal Government plans on expanding the initiative to other states and the Federal District.

The simplifying initiative seeks to improve the Brazilian business environment by enabling company registrations within a single day.