The Ministry of Economy submitted to public consultation, for a period of 30 days, a draft decree to regulate the last provision of the Law of Economic Freedom (Law n. 13.874/2019) pending implementation, concerning anti-corruption and business isonomic treatment measures.

Public Consultation n. 3/2020 from the Secretariat of Competition and Competitiveness Advocacy (SEAE, in the Portuguese acronym) at the Ministry of Economy aims at collecting public contributions regarding a draft decree on anti-corruption and business isonomic treatment measures, the last pending provision of the Law of Economic Freedom (Law n. 13.874/2019) to be implemented.
The presented draft, in accordance with the Law of Economic Freedom, intends to implement business isonomic treatment by Public Administration bodies regarding public licenses, authorizations and permits. It also provides the adoption of control and transparency mechanisms across the Federal Government, including binding effects of the transparency of decisions, “Chinese walls” safeguarding the flow of information and whistle-blowers protection.
Therefore, the new decree aims at increasing legal predictability related to public administrative decisions, by clarifying its criteria and protecting the flow of information within the Public Administration.
Contributions can be submitted to this e-mail address until November 19. The draft decree and a list of five questions that guided the draft’s elaboration can be found here (in Portuguese).