The Ministry of Economy updated the Single Foreign Trade Portal, aimed at facilitating import and export procedures. Access to the Single Import Declaration (DUIMP, in the Portuguese acronym) for non-AEO certified companies was provided.
The Ministry of Economy, through the Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX) and the Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB), launched new features in the Single Foreign Trade Portal (SISCOMEX) under its July 2021 update, namely “Release Guaíba”, aimed at facilitating the procedures related to the import and export of goods. That update provided changes within the New Import Process initiative, which is expected to be concluded by 2022, while the Single Foreign Trade Portal Program is scheduled to be concluded in 2023.
The new update within the New Import Process initiative expanded company access to the Single Import Declaration (DUIMP, in the Portuguese acronym), now available to non-AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) certified companies/operators. Additionally, it allowed the integration of SISCOMEX and importers’ systems through web service, enabling pre-arrival processing of cargo.
The update also includes improvements to duty payments within the Centralized Foreign Trade Payments (PCCE, in the Portuguese acronym) module; incorporation of API solutions to the portal; and improvements to the “Classif” module, which now discloses technical requirements for importing or exporting goods.