The Ministry of Infrastructure instituted the Modernization Policy on Federal Highway Transport Infrastructure, namely “inov@BR”, enacting policy objectives, guidelines, and responsibilities for the improvement of federal highway infrastructure. A policy manual was also approved.

Ordinance n. 512/2021 from the Ministry of Infrastructure instituted the Modernization Policy on Federal Highway Transport Infrastructure, namely “inov@BR”, within the federal highway regulatory framework. It established policy responsibilities for the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) and the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT); a certification for adopted initiatives on infrastructure modernization (“selo inov@BR”); and a policy manual, listing 36 innovations as guidelines.

As reported by the 22nd edition of the Regulatory Report, the Federal Government enacted the inov@BR policy in order to improve the quality of federal highway infrastructure, seeking to incorporate infrastructure technology solutions, facilitate traffic flow, and foster highway security, applicable to federal highways administered by concessionaries and by the Federal Government. The Ministry of Infrastructure will coordinate its implementation and evaluation.

The new ordinance described the inov@BR policy goals in article 4 and policy applicability in articles 5 to 7. ANTT responsibilities are described in articles 9, while DNIT responsibilities are described in article 10. The conditions of the inov@BR certification are described in articles 18 to 24.

The ordinance also approved a Guideline Manual (Annex to the ordinance, available in Portuguese), describing 36 innovations categorized within the three policy axes (highway security, traffic flow, and technology solutions). The Manual also provided policy management guidelines.