The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) enacted two amending resolutions to the Brazilian Regulation for Civil Aviation (RBAC, in the Portuguese acronym), updating provisions in accordance with the “Voo Simples” Federal Government Program. They seek to simplify requirements and eliminate redundancies.

The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) enacted two amending resolutions to the Brazilian Regulation for Civil Aviation (RBAC, in the Portuguese acronym), covering updates provided by the “Voo Simples” Federal Government Program. They seek to simplify requirements and eliminate redundancies, applicable to aircraft and aerodrome operators.

The resolutions enacted by ANAC are listed below, and some of the updates include:

  • ANAC Resolution n. 611/2021: revised the rules of RBAC n. 153 (Aerodrome operation, maintenance and emergency response) on wildlife collision security, simplifying regulatory requirements for smaller aerodromes, while maintaining the required dispositions for larger aerodromes. The resolution also revoked RBAC n. 154;
  • ANAC Resolution n. 612/2021: simplified the aircraft maintenance certification requirements provided by RBACs n. 121 and 135, also applicable to RBACs n. 43 and 145. The simplification eliminates redundant requirements for aircraft operators.

The resolutions were also the result of public consultations held in 2020, whose results can be found here. Additionally, ANAC launched, at its website, a section on the “Voo Simples” Federal Government Program, detailing information on the implemented measures and the status of scheduled initiatives. It also presented an electronic form through which complementary suggestions can be submitted.