The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) postponed the validity of the flexibilization measures for passenger transport and exclusive freight transport in passenger cabins until October 2021, due to the pandemic.
Due to the pandemic, the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) postponed the validity of flexibilization measures for passenger air transport and exclusive air freight transport in passenger cabins.
ANAC Resolution n. 598/2020 postponed, until October 30, the validity of three dispositions from ANAC Resolution n. 556/2020, related to emergency passenger air transport requirement for airline companies. They mainly concern provisions on public communication and offering of material assistance.
ANAC Resolution n. 600/2020 replaced ANAC Decision n. 71/2020 on the directives for exceptional exclusive freight transport in passenger cabins. Airline companies can still request an exceptional authorization from ANAC, while previously approved authorizations (in accordance with Decision n. 71/2020) are valid until July 31.
The new resolution on freight transport, which is valid until October 31, also updated the authorization requirements – presented in the resolution’s annex – in order to improve operation safety for passenger cabin freight transportation, in alignment with the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from the United States.