The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) revoked 47 regulations considered obsolete or without practical effects, as a part of ANAC’s normative quality project. As with other federal government bodies, it seeks to comply with Decree n. 10.139/2019.

The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) revoked 43 resolutions, two Brazilian Aeronautical Homologation Regulations (BAHRs/RBHAs) and two ordinances from the former Civil Aviation Department (DAC, in the Portuguese acronym) considered obsolete or without practical effect.

Seeking to comply with Decree n. 10.139/2019, the normative quality project has revised 90% of inherited DAC norms and 95% of RBHAs. Until the end of 2020, 850 regulations (ordinances, resolutions and norms) will have been analyzed and those considered obsolete or without practical effect, or have expired, will be revised. The initiative seeks the improvement of regulatory quality and legal security.

Normative suggestions can be submitted through a form available here (in Portuguese). Recent alterations regarding the normative quality project can be monitored here (in Portuguese).