The Secretariat of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Economy (SECEX/ME) removed automatic and non-automatic import license requirements for 210 products. This measure aims at improving the business environment and global supply chain integration by rationalizing control procedures.
Between June and July 2020, requirements of automatic import licenses for 88 products, accounting for 159 thousand approved licenses in 2019, and of non-automatic import licenses for 122 products, representing 111 thousand of the licenses approved in 2019, were removed by the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (SECEX). Corresponding to 2019 amounts, this measure saves more than R$ 23 million in documental fees for importers.
The removal of licenses means to improve the business environment, global supply chain integration and governmental intervention on foreign trade operations, reducing time and conformity costs, while guaranteeing a rational control process. It also complies with the Law of Economic Freedom (Law 13.874/2019) and the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement, of which Brazil is a signatory.
The complete lists of products exempted from the import licenses are available at the Single Foreign Trade Portal (Siscomex), through these links (in Portuguese): Import n° 041/2020; Import n° 049/2020; Import n° 051/2020; Import n° 052/2020.