The Secretariat of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Economy (SECEX/ME) submitted to public consultation, for a period of 60 days, a proposal to alter the procedures for import licensing applied to imported goods subject to tax incentives and imported used goods. The proposal seeks regulatory harmonization and the simplification of procedures, part of the federal government’s Good Regulatory Practices Agenda.

Ordinance n. 47/2020 of SECEX launched a public consultation on a proposal to change the import licensing procedures for goods that are subject to tax incentives, and imported used goods. The public consultation is part of the federal government’s Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) Agenda.
The main proposal concerns the harmonization of similar regulations that ascertain national equivalent production, which is part of the Ex-tariff regime. The harmonization means to improve the legal certainty of the import process.
Other modifications concerning the simplification and the discharge of import licensing process for used capital goods. Such changes seek productivity gains and job creation in face of the great need for economic recovery.
Contributions in an editable spreadsheet format, containing device identification, draft text, proposed writing, technical and legal justification and data of the proponent can be submitted to the e-mail address: until October 16.
The proposal (in Portuguese) and its technical motivation (in Portuguese) are available at the Single Foreign Trade Portal (Siscomex). More information is available here (in Portuguese).