The Federal Government, through Decree n.º 10.886/2021, enacted the National Strategy on Intellectual Property (ENPI, in the Portuguese acronym), intended to promote the competitiveness of the Brazilian business environment through an effective and balanced National System on Intellectual Property.

The Federal Government, through Decree n.º 10.886/2021, enacted the National Strategy on Intellectual Property (ENPI, in the Portuguese acronym), designed to guide 210 initiatives on the improvement of Intellectual Property regulation in Brazil over the next 10 years (2021-2030 cycle). It aims at promoting the competitiveness of the Brazilian business environment and the development of the Brazilian economy, by implementing an effective and balanced National System on Intellectual Property that incentivizes creativity, investments in innovation, and access to knowledge (goal of the ENPI).

The Inter-Ministerial Group on Intellectual Property (GIPI), instituted by Decree n.º 9.931/2019, is responsible for the implementation, oversight, and coordination of the ENPI. As stated in the third paragraph of the new decree, the ENPI will be implemented through biennial action plans that comprise prioritized initiatives, deliverables, and targets. As reported in the 26th edition of the Regulatory Report, the GIPI enacted its first action plan in July 2021, concerning 49 prioritized initiatives for the 2021-2023 period.

ENPI guidelines are listed in the second article of the new decree, including the simplification and streamlining of processes related to Intellectual Property. The list of 210 initiatives is provided in the Annex of the new decree, categorized in seven axes of implementation:

  1. Intellectual Property for competitiveness and development;
  2. Dissemination and Capacity-Building for Intellectual Property;
  3. Governance and Institutional Development;
  4. Modernization of legal and regulatory frameworks;
  5. Compliance and Legal Security;
  6. Intelligence and forward-looking vision; and
  7. Brazil’s integration to the International System on Intellectual Property.

More information can be accessed here.